
For the past 15 years I have found joy in developing and leading workshops and programs focused on leadership skills development on a variety of topics such as giving and receiving feedback, time management, effective listening, and gaining awareness of how we show up each day.

As with all my learning I look for connections between what I learn and the practical application to work and life. Once I completed my coaching certification, I immediately saw the connection and value of coaching practices, not just for coaches, but for any person who is looking for skills, tools and strategies to empower themselves and others, reframe thoughts and behaviors to support positive change and growth, and to set and take action towards their goals.

In my current work as an Educational Developer, my workshops focus on topics that include building community, and engaging, motivating and communicating with students in online, face-to-face and hybrid environments. Much of this work has been connected to the work of college faculty and those who interact directly with post-secondary students. 

My colleague, Jenn Wicks, and I, offer a transformational program called Coachlike Classrooms™, where we work with post- secondary educators to unlock the power of coachlike practices to elevate their teaching and transform the way their students think about learning. 

I offer a variety of workshops focused on leadership skills and coaching practices that bring:

    • Enhanced awareness around your values and beliefs
    • Improved awareness of unproductive patterns and potential barriers to growth
    • Use of strategies and tools to empower you and those around you
    • Improved interaction with others
    • Improved decision-making aligned with your values
    • An evolved leadership approach
    • Improved confidence and overcoming feelings of self-doubt

A sample of workshops topics include:

  • 3 Coaching Practices that will Positively Impact your Relationships
  • What it Means to be Coachlike
  • Adopting a Coaching Mindset and Philosophy
  • Asking Powerful Questions
  • Effective Listening
  • Creating Engaging Online Courses and Workshops
  • Building Community in Classrooms
  • Designing Actions and Goals
  • 7 Levels of Energy (based on the work of Bruce Schneider, iPEC)

These workshops are typically 60-90 minutes and can be customized for your audience. 

They are a number of benefits to using coaching practices. As reported by the ICF GLOBAL COACHING STUDY (conducted by PWC), “as a growing number of individuals and organizations have adopted coaching, the use of coaching skills and approaches has expanded beyond professionally trained coach practitioners to include managers, leaders, and human resources and talent development professionals who apply these competencies in their daily workplace interactions.”

Increased Awareness + Being Ourselves = Improved Connection

Today, I love to intertwine coaching practices in all of my workshops and programs, even using coaching practices in my facilitation of them. I truly believe that if every person used coaching practices there would be a rise of awareness that could shift how we create spaces and connections where people feel included and belonging. And if people feel this, then I imagine how much we could benefit from every person being themselves – unfolding from who they have been expected to be, to who they really are.