
What is a coach?

We hear the word “coach” and likely identify with a few main types. For example, the one who helps to lead a sports team, the executive coach, and the life coach. The International Coaching Federation (ICF), defines coaching as “as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.”

What is the difference between Coaching, Therapy, Mentoring and Consulting?

Coaching is about visioning, success, the present, and moving into the future. The purpose is for performance improvement, learning or development in an area of life.  Coaching helps a client move forward by focusing on the “How”. Generally, coaching works best for someone who is well functioning and wants to explore optimizing themselves.

Therapy is exploring the past to understand the present.  It usually focuses on helping someone figure out the “why”.  It often dives into deep-seated emotional work, focused on personal healing or trauma recovery. 

Mentoring usually involves a person who has been there and done that, who can be a role model. In Coaching, a coach doesn’t use personal experience as a model for success for the client.  The client is the expert in their own life.

In Consulting, the consultant will have an agenda and present themselves as the expert. Although coaches can have expertise in certain fields, their true expertise is in the coaching process. Consultants promote themselves as experts, and coaches accept that clients are the experts and have the answers to any situation they may face.

"Coaching is using specific skills, philosophy and mindset to build awareness, facilitate learning, and empower choice for people that helps them unlock and maximize their potential, and build strong connection within themselves and with the world around them."
- Dana Wetherell

My initial thoughts on coaching...

If someone were to ask me five years ago what a coach is I would say it was someone who helps you to move forward toward your goals. I wondered why I would need anyone to help me with that. I truly believed that I had enough emotional intelligence, skills and self-awareness to serve me well in my life’s purpose. This was a belief I had even when I was younger. I didn’t think I needed help and I barely asked for it. No help, or coach needed, thank-you very much!

A change in perspective...

In 2020 everything changed. Like many people who found themselves cut off from all that was normal to them, I found myself thinking more and then looking for new ways to engage my mind and spirit.

Interestingly, I was seeing coaching everywhere – it wasn’t the first time I had been bombarded by the word ‘coaching’ or the work of coaches. It was always there in front of my eyes, but my own belief that I could do everything by myself stopped me from exploring it further. This time I listened, which nudged me to learn as much as I could.

In my learning I discovered that coaching was more than I thought it was. With my new knowledge, I saw four directions to consider. I could stop there and go on with life as normal, I could get a coach, I could be a coach, or I could have the combination of both (get a coach and be a coach).  I did the latter.

What’s in it for you?

diff lens

Seeing your life through a different lens

If you are feeling “stuck”, afraid to make a decision, feel a tug to make a change, want to challenge your current beliefs, are interested in building your communication and leadership skills, and/or just want to engage differently with those around you, then coaching is a place to start. If you’re rushing around (as most of us do!), taking steps that you’ve always taken, and feeling lack of progress or movement toward your goals, then receiving coaching is a perfect opportunity to slow down and take stalk. It might be that you just need to see your life through a different lens, which can open up whole new opportunities.

time for you

Making time for you

Being coached by an experienced, certified coach gives you an opportunity to self-reflect, create awareness and make positive changes that affect you, and those around you. Imagine enjoying dedicated time with someone (your coach) who is there to listen, encourage and empower you to think and take action in different and actionable ways. It really can be like a breath of fresh, new energetic air!


A partnership led by you

In coaching, you co-create together. You are in partnership with someone who sees you as capable, resourceful and whole. This is as you already are. A coach helps you to draw out what you know and to see and acknowledge what may be in the way. It’s like going for a walk where rather than following the path you have always taken, you take a different path to greater awareness, clarity, new joy and opportunity.

Top 3 Results Reported by Coaching Clients (International Coaching Federation)

Improved communication skills

Increased self-esteem/self-confidence

Increased productivity

What am I like to work with?

As a certified coach I work within the Ethics and Competencies outlined by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Anyone who has completed a program approved by the ICF has specific competencies they need to demonstrate as a coach. They are also required to fulfill the ethical requirements as a coach.

I work best with people who are open to learning, change and growth. As your coach, I don’t do the work for you. That is your opportunity and privilege. I see my job as opening a new door for you. I do that through activities and questioning that open up your awareness, give you insights into what is working for you and what is not, and empower you to think about and see things in a different way. Throughout the process, we work together to make sure you’re on track and accountable to your goals and progress.

My clients are willing to explore outdated paradigms, belief structures, and assumptions, and believe that the path to the greatest personal growth, change and success begins with enhancing their own inner awareness and consciousness, and understanding the energy they bring into the world.

What I offer you is a calm, open, reflective, inspiring, and collaborative approach that invites you to freely explore your present and future self with a new lens.

Coaching Offers - Coming Soon!

I’m currently in the process of developing my coaching packages, which will be available soon.  In the meantime, if anything here resonates with you, please reach out to me!

I’m also happy to provide a free 45-minute session where you can experience the coaching process and ask any questions.